Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Ancient Rome: The Rise and Fall of an Empire (2)

Today in class, we watched the movie Ancient Rome: The Rise and Fall of an Empire. Today, we watched as Tiberius was surrounded by enemy troops. In order to prevent 20,000 people of Romes army from dying, he decided to make peace with the barbarians. When he returned to Rome, the people of Rome were very pleased with him for saving their family members, but the Senate, however, was not. They claimed that making peace with these barbarians would be an uncivilized thing to do, and that it would ruin the reputation of Rome. Tiberius claimed that he had made an oath to the gods about it, and that calling off the treaty would dishonor Rome and the gods. Breaking a promise to the barbarian people would dishonor Rome, but the Senate insisted that Tiberius made the wrong decision.
Later on Tiberius found out that his childhood friend Octavius  was taking large amounts of land away from the common people to himself. Tiberius and Octavius were each running for Tribune and each of them had different opinions on the distribution of land. Tiberius wanted to give the land to the people who had too much, while Octavius wanted to keep the land for himself. Octavius vetoed the law to give the land to the people, preventing the law from taking effect. In response, Tiberius vetoed the opening of the public treasury, the courts, the market, etc., thus bringing Rome to a standstill.

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