Wednesday, May 8, 2013

*Spreading the News*

        Today Mr. Schick gave us our Rome tests back. I had got a pretty decent grade, along with everyone in the class. We reviewed the answers to the test by going over the questions. After that, we then talked a little about the chapter we were supposed to read. It talks about the spread of Christianity in the Roman Empire, and how Rome was affected by it. Here is some of the notes that I took in class today.

It all begins with Jesus.

  • His life comes from the "Gospels" of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
  • "Gospel" means "good news".
  • Jesus had set himself apart from other "Messiahs". 
  • Jesus taught that you should strive for perfectness, because God was perfect in every way.
  • Jesus associated himself with people that were considered in the lower class of Roman society, like prostitutes, tax collectors, and sinners.
  • Jesus was thought of as the Savior sent by God.
  • They believed that Jesus was both human and divine.
  • Rome thought of Jesus as a threat to the Empire, so they crucified him on the cross. They believed that he rose from the dead three days later and ascended into Heaven.
Start Spreading the News
  • Paul of Tarsus was a Jew who became a follower of Jesus after he was knocked off his horse and blinded by God.
  • He then traveled all throughout the Roman Empire, and preached about Jesus and the miracle that had happened to him.
  • Paul had established many churches throughout the land. Many of the early Christians would ask him questions about the churches practices and the Christian Faith. Paul responded to them by writing letters that contained information on how to run the church and what to believe in. 
One last thing we did in class was take a last-minute pop quiz on what we had just learned. I think that I had gotten all of the answers right. I am interested to see what we will learn tomorrow.

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