Monday, May 13, 2013

Study Guide for Test

What is an Edict of Milan?
The Edict of Milan was the order from Constantine to stop persecuting the Christians and to give them equal rights in the Empire, along with everything that has been taken from them. This was issued in February 313.

What is the Pax Romana?
The Pax Romana was a period of peace in the Roman Empire. It was about 207 years long
(27 BC - 180 AD) and was established by Caesar Augustus. With the accession of Augustus, it marked the end of the Roman Republic. Pax Romana is Latin for "Roman Peace".

Who were the people who Jesus associated with?
He talked with Tax Collectors, Prostitutes, and Sinners.

What does Gospel mean?
Good News

What was the average length of an Empire's term?
two and a half years, either due to assassination or dying in battle.

Who is Diocletian?
In 284 AD, Diocletian came into power. He increased his army to 400,000 men (1/3 bigger than Augustus) and recruited the newly conquered barbarians into the army. His new government had 20,000 officials. (10 times more than Augustus) and collected lots of tax money.

Constantine moved the capitol of Rome to Byzantine and named it Constantinople after himself.

In 300 AD, 60 million lived in the Roman Empire.

(more to come)

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