Thursday, January 17, 2013

First Day of Class

Today, we have officially started the second semester. I am now in a new class with Mr. Schick and am learning about Western Civilization. Today was mostly spent on getting accustomed to the new changes. Mr. Schick explained the blog process to those who were not in his class during the first semester, and we spent the class setting up the new blog. Another major change for the semester is textbooks for our class. In the first semester in Human Geo, we did not have any textbooks. I'm interested to see how we will be using the textbooks throughout the year. Unfortunately, when I got mine, the cover was a bit ripped in the front, but oh well. Anyway, I am glad that I have Mr. Schick in the second semester, and I can't wait to learn more interesting things this year.

1 comment:

  1. Off to a great start, Matthew! Of course, I would expect nothing less than greatness from you...
