Wednesday, January 30, 2013

LO3 (Ancient Egypt)

Today we had a pop-quiz on prehistory and the Paleolithic and Neolithic Eras. It was only 5 questions and it turned out to be very easy. I ended getting an 80 % on the quiz which I don't mind.
Below will contain some notes from pages 20-29 of the WCIV Book

The Egyptian Empire stretched along the Nile River from Central Africa to Mediterranean Sea. The Egyptians depended on the Nile River to help support life and the Empire itself. The Empire was split into two parts. Lower Egypt was a strip of fertile land with many deltas connected to the Nile River, and Upper Egypt ran across the Nile River into the Saharan Desert. The country's ruler was known as the Pharaoh, and was thought of as a god by the Egyptians. The Egyptians were also very polytheistic, and believed in many gods. The Pharaoh had all the rule in the Empire, and his position took on great responsibility.
The Egyptians also had there own style of writing, which was hieroglyphics. This writing method consisted of different pictures which symbolized different things. The Egyptians also built many temples and pyramids to honor the gods and the Pharaohs.

Harmony and balance of universe was called maat.
Pharaohs had multiple wives, and woman were able
to divorce and inherit money and land. They were rarely
ever in political power though.

The Gods of ancient Egypt were usually humans with a head of an animal. Egyptians believed in the afterlife, and prepared the dead for the afterlife by mummifying them. The deceased soul would be judged, and either go to a paradise, or the jaws of a monster.

Hieroglyphics represented religious words or parts of words and were usually used in temples, and Hieratic  was normal wording used in documents and other things.
Egyptians invented the Papyrus and the sailboat.

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