Saturday, January 19, 2013

First Day of Learning

Today in class, we learned about prehistory, which is the millions of years in which human beings appeared on the earth and where history was not recorded. We started off by reading the introduction to the the new textbook. We learned that as people interact with each other, the spread of civilization doesn't seem to end. Language, religion, art, technology, farming, family life, and village communities are all basic features of human existence, and each of those had originated in prehistoric times.
We had found out that humans have been on the earth for 2.5 million years. If that length of time was converted into a 24 hour day, That would mean that humans have only been civilized for 3 minutes! Also, The first human-like species appeared in East Africa, and by 1200 B.C, there came into existence an international region of civilization with many local versions of Mesopotamian and Egyptian traditions.

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