Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Today in class we worked on our Ancient Greek and Barbarian Google Presentation. On Monday we started to make the presentation on LO1, but today Mr. Schick wanted us to continue the presentation on LO2. Mr. Schick was out sick today, so our sub for today's class was my math teacher Mrs. Hugo. From home, Mr. Schick could view our progress on the presentation, and could even send messages to us. At one point in the class Mr. Schick logged in to our presentation and started typing to us. I think it's really cool that Mr. Schick can instant message us right from his home. We even sent messages back to him too. I typed in the presentation the different civilizations that the Barbarians encountered over the years, and how the Barbarians eventually adapted the cultures from other civilizations to theirs. I am looking forward to possibly presenting these presentation tomorrow in class.

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