Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Sharing our Presentations

Today Mr. Schick chose some people who thought there presentations were worthy enough to share in front of the entire class. My group was chosen to present because we thought we had a good enough presentation to share. One group had presented before us though. In their presentation, they discussed some of the material that was in the textbook for LO1. They had took pretty good notes and I made sure to write some of the information down. When it was our turn, we were assigned to present about LO2. We talked about the different civilizations that had arose before the Greek Empire turned to power, like the Minoans and the Aegean's and the Mycenaean's. We discussed the locations of those empires and we talked about the unique     features of each, including some of the culture and the economy of them. Another topic we went over was the Dark Ages. This period lasted from 1150 B.C to 750 B.C. The Dark Ages was a time when many of the  
Mediterranean civilizations collapsed. Settlements were deserted, ships and boats no longer sailed, population dropped, and the writing was no longer used. However, even though many of the civilizations collapsed, the Greeks were still surviving, and soon expanded and thrived.

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