Thursday, February 7, 2013

Test Tomorrow

In today's class we reviewed for the upcoming test on Ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, and the Agricultural Revolution. We saw a power-point that basically reviewed everything that we have learned since the beginning of the semester, which was back in January. I found the power-point very interesting, because not only were the facts interesting, but Mr. Schick described the information and explained all of it in great detail, which I also found interesting. Mr. Schick also showed us a video on mummification that the Ancient Egyptians, that described the steps that took place in mummification. It is amazing how after thousands of years, that a body mummified by the Egyptians can be preserved and still in a decent shape today. Mr. Schick also told us about one of his childhood stories. He said that one of his best friends family ran a funeral home. When Mr. Schick was over his friends house, his friend gave him a tour of the place. They saw where the mass was held, the place where you view the body, and even the place where you prepare the dead bodies. At the time, his friend's dad was preserving a dead body, and Mr. Schick got to see the body being prepared upfront. He explained that the way the Egyptians preserved the dead was somewhat similar to the way we preserve the bodies.

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